Dr. Jeff Joireman

Dr. Jeff Joireman is the director of the Carson College of Business International Business Institute at Washington State University. As a professor, he teaches consumer behavior, marketing research, and statistics. Jeff’s research focuses on consumer behavior, responses to service failures, and transformative consumer research (e.g., corporate social responsibility, sustainability, health behavior, and financial decision making). He has published over 75 articles in leading business journals, including Journal of Retailing, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Journal of Organizational Behavior. Jeff has co-authored a book with Paul Van Lange, titled How to Publish High-Quality Research, reviewed over 200 articles, and served as Co-Editor in Chief for the Journal of Environmental Psychology. Jeff’s publications have been cited over 15,000 times, and he has earned numerous honors and awards including two Fulbright Scholarships, multiple Dean’s Excellence Awards, two Outstanding Faculty Service Awards, an Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award, and the Department of Marketing’s Professor of the Year Award.